CB130cs - Associate .NET Developer Certification Training

Welcome to this training program and material designed to prepare you for the Couchbase Associate .NET Developer certification!

This free training is comprised of interactive training content housed in our LMS at http://learn.couchbase.com (proper link later) as well as hands-on lab exercises designed to help learners practice what they have learned.

In the lab exercises, you will be implementing various parts of the Couchify application, a REST service backed by a Couchbase database. In these exercises, you will have a chance to install and configure Couchbase, load data, implement Key/Value operations, perform queries and much more while learning how to develop a full-featured application.

This course is designed for experienced software developers who are familiar with .NET C#, or a similar programming language.

Course Objectives

  • Install Couchbase Server locally and navigate within its web-based user interface

  • Create data buckets and documents using the Couchbase web console

  • Create Couchbase cluster and bucket references

  • Serialize and deserialize JSON among string, POJO, and JObject

  • Asynchronously get, insert, replace, upsert, and remove documents

  • Index and query a data bucket using the N1QL ("SQL for JSON") query language

  • Implement sub-document read and mutate functionality

  • Implement optimistic document locking using CAS

  • Address multi-node cluster concerns through durability options


This course presumes knowledge of .NET (C#) and basic SQL and data access patterns. Knowledge of the basic ASP.NET project structure and development approaches is very helpful as well. We will be using ASP.NET to implement the REST and testing functionality. This course utilizes .NET Core and is designed to work on Windows and Mac platforms.

Obtaining the lab exercise files

The lab exercise files can be obtained here. Once downloaded, unzip to a location on your hard drive.

Setting up your lab dependencies

Additionally, you will need an IDE such as Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio Windows or Mac.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, you will likely have to install some additional extensions. There are several different .NET Core extensions you may want to install to make development easier. The simplest way to get set up is to search for and install .NET Core Extension Pack from the extensions section of Visual Studio Code. This will in turn install several dependent extensions, including C#, .NET Testing and more. If you are using Visual Studio Code, you will also need to install .NET Core 3.1 for your specific operating system. This will provide necessary dependencies, including the .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and the .NET CLI.

Once you have unzipped the lab files and obtained your IDE, you can import the various labs as you work through the exercises. Each lab is a separate project, which means you can open or import the project.

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